C Curl .20 Flat Classic


Flat eyelash extensions, also known as ellipse lash extensions, are extensions with a flatter base. They are lightweight and have a larger bonding area (120 degrees) when compared to classic lashes (60 degrees) which makes them more durable.


Less heavy: They can be 40%-75% lighter than classic lashes depending on the brand. For clients with extremely delicate lashes, this can be a game changer.

More dramatic: They give you the ability to create thicker, more dramatic-looking classic sets than you’d be able to create with regular lash extensions. The lashline will also seem a little darker thanks to the continuous look created by the flat base.

Easier to apply: The flat base of ellipse lashes adheres to the natural eyelash a little more easily.

Better retention: They have a wider surface area that connects with the natural lash, so they can have slightly better retention than classic lash extensions.

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